On many a great question of humanity sometimes suggested answers that sound first to spectacular new knowledge, but basically contribute nothing to answer the question. An example from the natural sciences could be the panspermia. This hypothesis answers the question of where and how life arose on Earth so that life came to one or the other way from space to Earth. Such a proposal seems to stimulate the human imagination much, for this hypothesis finds time to time mention. She moves the question of how life originated on Earth, only then, as life anywhere else was (and how exactly it could come here). And there are no references to the observation of extraterrestrial origin of life, it stays in the panspermia in a nice, but useless intellectual gimmick.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Kates Playground Tim Hortons
On many a great question of humanity sometimes suggested answers that sound first to spectacular new knowledge, but basically contribute nothing to answer the question. An example from the natural sciences could be the panspermia. This hypothesis answers the question of where and how life arose on Earth so that life came to one or the other way from space to Earth. Such a proposal seems to stimulate the human imagination much, for this hypothesis finds time to time mention. She moves the question of how life originated on Earth, only then, as life anywhere else was (and how exactly it could come here). And there are no references to the observation of extraterrestrial origin of life, it stays in the panspermia in a nice, but useless intellectual gimmick.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Gloryholesorlando Iocations
Some trains go a long, long way. Continuous from south to north Germany, from Brussels to Moscow, from Paris to Vienna. They begin their route at a particular time and at a certain place. Some trains go by, one day you do not even need. But of course that is not always so. Often times you have to overcome in certain places a detention time. You have to change - if you want to achieve a goal. But there are also trains, the long, long distances get it over with, and where they can remain seated.
The picture of the long train ride is a metaphor for life. We know when and where we entered - in this life. In any event, we were told that. And we have a piece of paper on which it is stated. But we get to know neither where we - I mean, get off final - yet where we are. I mean, how much of our lives the way we have been left behind, and how much still lies ahead. Not to mention the final destination station. We are on the long journey through our lives - and yet know not know when and where and how it ends. Maybe we'll get past the unknown land of which we suspect yet.
On some sections of the journey we are sitting alone in the compartment. We sleep doze or dream in front of us. Every now and then runs a passenger past us, sometimes in one direction, sometimes in the other. Sometimes we know each other will only see the. Then comes the conductor. If he is attentive, he does not insist on seeing our ticket to do more often. Occasionally, however, a change of personnel carried out, then we must show us again and again and prove that we can really ride on this route.
Sometimes the Train fully. A noisy bowling club travels. Or a school class. Or, or, or. But we would not always alone. Sometimes we meet someone we know and stay a piece together. Or we meet someone. Or watching someone. Or find that someone has apparently the same goal. Sometimes the train is full of crack - occupied every seat and the luggage is stacked also in progress. Here and there even have to be traveling - no matter at what speed. We often know of them do not know where they are joined - and where they want.
Sometimes the train but only moderately busy. We look around and see the people who are traveling. See someone there, reading in a book there someone who has to look out the window, sleeping, or is also looking around. Travelled to have any age, even very small infants to travel by train - and even old people, equipped with a walking stick, or a helper on the side. Young, old, men, women, children. Any nationality can be represented - and so also the conductor endeavor even in English the next target pass by, so we all understand ...
trains run every day - as we live each day. And they go at all hours - even at night. But of course, in every season. There are short and long trains, fast and slow. Sometimes they even go on the road direction. You can cross national borders, bridges and go through tunnels. Germany is a powerful network of routes through it, which brings us to any place we want. Paths are many.
The drivers we have to do nothing as fellow passengers. From him we let go. To him we trust. We need well. Even if he sometimes stops in the open field. If he moves slowly, or hurtling through the countryside. Sometimes we hear the train manager to say something, by the loudspeaker announcement. He then gives a little known regarding the trip. We as travelers him but listen. In direct contact are not we.
On my train there is now a little gray and wet. It is good that is being heated, and that the board bistro is filled with all sorts of goodies. A little music would do well, however - it's pretty quiet here. Or a stimulating conversation with a fellow traveler - to get other perspectives. How about with you in your cabin, you will travel alone or with others? What you see when you look out euerm train window?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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The sad fact, that were killed on the last Friday of German soldiers in Afghanistan (or "fallen" are?) plays in the affair of the thesis of Defense tried to Guttenberg a significant role. It was this incident (or "this battle"?) , the (that) the Minister prompted spontaneously in the hallway on Friday to explain some journalists about his thesis. And to make it unpleasant to snub capital journalists . Moreover, the death of these soldiers will always be used as evidence that Journalists and opposition politicians care about unimportant footnotes in academic texts were instead to focus on important things like death for the fatherland. Than when it comes to the footnotes of a thesis was, and not the far more important question of how exactly it takes the person of Defense Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany with the truth as such! Were for the defense of Mr. Guttenberg So perished in a fairly convenient time soldiers from this now even mentioned in the Bundestag. And with the gracious but ignored words
"It is known that, I flew to Afghanistan on Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday to Thursday Afghanistan was, and against the background that we had incidents on Friday, I have to describe here, which were far from unpleasant incidents am, I could look at the weekend for the first time with this work ... "
Addendum 24.2:!.
from the "anything but unpleasant incidents" were Minutes then it is anything but pleasing incidents.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
How Come I Cant See My Friend On Oovoo
Recently I read a sentence. When Juli Zeh. It reads: "What do sleep and death together, is the fact that both ready for their guests only single rooms. You can take anybody. "It has taken me. Not because I do not "know" would have, no, that fact is somehow known. But this looseness with which this sentence is the middle of a novel, the word choice that evokes a spa-hotel, objectivity and tragedy together, combine the insurmountable barriers makes visible. Between life and death, between waking and sleeping, between me and thee. Although I share my life with other people, even the bed, now sleep and dies but each in isolation.
a guest you are on time. Arrival and departure are part of the guest to be. The only variable is the duration of the stay. To live on earth we need a body. By the way, a single room. Visit to receive is possible for a short time. But nothing more. Every night, we dive for many hours into what we call sleep. And if our sleep is disturbed or interrupted - that "in-my-be single" - we are not happy in the morning, sometimes not for the day in the group room equipped so well.
to have a body to sink into sleep every night and kick some point the face of death - once again to be born, to come back - we call life. As human beings live on Earth. The contrast between a loneliness, a for-itself, just for me and with me, his stop me in my own single room and the "concerns the world, "could not be greater. The concerns of the world, the other, the fellow human beings needs, the needs together and to just not be alone, to do something together to achieve and produce are universal human needs that we all know.
The world is full of singles. Some are next to each other, one above the other, each other or even remotely close to each other. The whole thing makes sense only when we are able to look at the entire building, to penetrate the texture, to name possibilities and impossibilities - may convert and track targets. External and internal. What are actually procure various individual rooms, as they are established? A glance, you can venture into it so again. And what are the windows of several rooms from the outside? Do they have curtains, they are open or closed, they may be painted?
It is said that apart from the body and a soul there. And a mind. And that the two could move more freely. Can escape the night or after the death of the single rooms to meet your peers. You can bring out-come and remove new and old, seeing a fresh wind. They take part in the big hotel on that, which means earth or world, as to that which we the unknown Dark call the inevitable gap.
very thing which the earth being full of singles, this collection of completed individuals who are left to sleep and death, has little to offer the spiritual world. This provides only seen from the Earth like, applies only to the transitions. There are on a spiritual level, only a group room, a large dormitory - no room, you could refer to themselves. Everything runs into each other, here the connections are obvious, the holes and urgent threats. Here, new projects were established, and appointments are made, decisions taken - then on the ground, in the shadows and fight be discharged with the single. Experience, we can only make a single room, not in the dormitory - there is something called insights.
And also applies to the sleep that we are as seen from the earth and our fellow human beings in a locked single rooms - from the big picture but of view, get out of the large group room food. Spiritual food - to be ready for the day in the earthly singles. And if we ask each other then in the morning as we slept and how we are, we ask about the nature of the single.
this in mind: "How are you? Would like to do something? "
Juli Zeh: reeds. btb-Verlag, 2009. P. 374
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What Type Of Wood To Use For A Bed Frame
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Bollywood Actress Showing Breastsin The Party
Guttenberg cheated! Guttenberg has cheated! No, what a petty, childish posturing in the left media, just because the baron a few pages of his hundreds of Pages has a strong and "with highest praise" completed thesis copied verbatim somewhere making without recognizable.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
How Much Is Ostrich Steaks
"I" am sitting at my desk and let my slide view through the window outside. The clouds hang low. It is gray, cold and wet. This can be seen. But also felt. The sunlight hardly penetrates through the clouds and it begins to dawn again. I am glad that the stove is burning behind me. The heat reached me. Unfortunately I can not write that the sky is blue and the world is white - I would have liked to. But I've made today to not put me into the world of literary imagination, but I deal with earthly and real facts to share.
What are my literary ego, perhaps I would have to even put in the plural form (...), and my everyday life I have in common? As they go forth apart? When I discussed with students a work that is in the first-person writing, for example, "Stiller by Max Frisch, then often is a very special silence occurred when the students have actually understood that it is the self- narrator is not the author, but that the narrative "I" and the author are two different instances.
A first-person perspective is provided nearby. Between author and reader - the text content. Before all, between the I-figure and readers - because between these two starts to vibrate slightly. If the reader of a story that is written in first person perspective, connects with the content, he is very close to the action. He is there. Inside. The power of thought, imagination and settle pass into the incident. It's something that the reader is part of the story. The literary self and the ego of the reader to merge with each other. I - as a reader - I read through the story and I travel with the literary with - whereas it is always on the go - I come and I are, for the story, very close.
The students have noticed how infinite Opportunities we have as human beings in our conception of life to let things come to be constructive, bold and unsubstantiated - far beyond the physical reality of a people. We can be creative and produce something set up, draw, create, constitute, construct. Not infrequently, relaxing at these moments of consciousness a conversation about truth. to put on reality, reality, about the power of imagination and the ability with words mountains. It was the "cut point man" in the center. Between heaven and hell. Between the so-called reality and the world of poetry. Between me and you. Between inside and outside.
If any person perspective would relate solely to the author or the author, there would be no open literary space. The writing I would not be a creator, it could not produce I described. There were no wounds between you and me, no point of contact. Creativity would be limited, restricted, nothing new could happen. In this context, I am a supporter of constructivism.
"You" is at her desk and her look makes its way through the window outside. Not a cloud to be seen. The sky is blue, the air looks warm and dry. What to feel connected to a new reality, what is true remains open. She does not know what she sees. The sunlight reached them with force and it is light, bright light and again She is glad that it's so warm, it needs no stove - but she's cold. Especially now when they write that the sky is gray and the world is dark - but she does not want, it almost refuses. Because before you today to tell something of their literary self - fantasy and facts of real life are there not to keep them apart, prospects do not make sense anymore.
questions from me to you
What I touch you, when I talk about me?
I Tell me if I am looking tell?
questions of you to trust me
Why reader and author?
What does the reader for the author?
observer questions
How would describe the situation from a different perspective?
How can comment on word games?
content issues
if what remains is only the AS variable - does this change the content?
What happens when subject and object exchange their places?
Friday, February 11, 2011
S60 Volvos And Heater Core Problems
Just now, it not half an hour ago, something happened to me is absolutely fantastic! I walk down the street back home, and I'm almost there when my two young women I meet. And these two women interrupt their conversation abruptly. You look at me, turn around for me, and I throw them both so as to blatantly greedy eyes, as I have never dreamed of me! Those eyes! As she observed on her red lips easily! And as they giggled and whispered to each other when they noticed that they both had the same thought! For a few seconds of my life, I would not even want to trade places with George Clooney! And the best thing about this experience is: I know what was my success! I am therefore able to enjoy it again. One need only simple if one's Pizza Caprese with home, close the box lid not. And if you are then wrapped in very hot, fresh pizza scent, then one must hope, of course, still on two starved young ladies ...
Friday, February 4, 2011
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On this Saturday organized in German-speaking the Society for the Scientific Investigation of Para-sciences the 10:23 action. The participants related swallow an "overdose" of homeopathic remedies - many times the "normal" administered Quantity. They want to show that happened with the participants simply do nothing, after all, the whole of homeopathy is nothing but humbug. A simple PR campaign against the homeopaths? Sure, it started as such. But then the German central association of homeopathic doctors in his body " Homeopathic news " based very much in advance position. And so that action can ever won a splendid self-exposure for itself and against its occurrence was a smash hit! As a small service for readers here the main points of the homeopaths statement in a clear language were translated
Lost Savings Bond Search
Anna enters the ICE and will be looking for a place. Right sits an old lady who flips nervously in a magazine. She has a wrinkled face, rouged lips and a Perm hair. Whether she goes to visit her son, who moved to the other end of Germany to escape it? Anna sees only the outside of the woman and move on. The train is open only moderately. Over there, on the table for four sits a young man in torn jeans and with a big backpack on the side seat. The stereotype of a young man, then, draws for his ideals even with heavy luggage through the country. Whether he travels with a cheap ticket and is on his way to a resistance camp?
Anna does not know where they should sit down. The claims at least its narrator - which in this respect, violence, power and control over them. It is she who breathes into her life, their lives distorted or just moves - it is her literary voice, and one that sends them this way or that way along. (Why does Anna do not speak, do not do what they want?) Where the front sit two businesswomen with laptops, cell phones, painted nails and faces important - obviously they trust each other just last night on the secrets. The two ladies are women who move on the stage of society - or at least do Sun Whether you have questions unanswered in their hearts?
Anna stops. The train has reached a rapid pace and jerks only gently. She is still undecided. She looks Occasional seated passengers - no one wants something to do with someone else, everyone just sitting passengers is ostensibly his bag on the adjacent seat so no one has the idea to sit down with him - and do not know where is their place. Just like in life. You can sit down anywhere. The faces, whose face was streaked they are withdrawn. In one way or another. The innocent smile to the outside is the nagging question inside.
inside and outside separated by a threshold. Sometimes it is insurmountable. Anna is still standing in the aisle of the carriage 28 and moves into the future. Full steam ahead. The narrator gives up hope that it would accept a place sits down and finally sit back - after that date. Finally, there but for Anna a lot to think, to make decisions. The seats offer all in the same impartial way - they are blue. But it is obvious to them whether they are possessed or not.
As the narrator drew her attention back to Anna, she was engrossed in conversation. With a flutist, was their view - to think, anyway. Anna spoke a language that did not understand the narrator. Clearly trying to attract their attention to her somehow to make them realize that they should change the language, so that they understand something ... but her courage waned when they saw what was entered into conversation with Anna area of the unknown. Because they would never enter it. This threshold was plain impassable.
you turned away. A little offended. pushed back on itself. The narrator sat in the board Bistro and closed his eyes. The smell of pork cutlets could be ignored. But the nagging desire for closeness not. Anna had split off from it. She could not reach on this trip. And that's why she decided to get off at the next station without them.
• Questions to the outside:
Who is Anna and how they look? What do
are traveling together in misfortune?
An onboard bistro - a Mysterienort?
Why are there locked traveling companions?
• Questions to the inside:
What happens when I walk in a moving train in the opposite direction?
Why do I want Anna to be close to what she has to do with me?
I know why I do certain things and not doing certain things?
How is me today anyway?
tell me what the many faces that I see?
• Ask the narrator:
What happens if I ignore Anna in my story?
And how will behave Anna, when she talks to me again?
Who belongs to Anna, who is missing? Why Anna
moves at all by train, where she is on the way?
As Anna came into my life and what they want there?
• Ask Anna:
Why should I answer the questions of the narrator?
How do I keep up my money?
My right foot is cold, why not my left?
Will I arrive on time, I will have enough time?
Did I actually sent the letter?
Rash Following Waxing
A well-known, but basically it amazing phenomenon is that some people thought outdated building simply does not want to die, even if the spirit world is already quite a bit moved. Just think of times in Communism: a theory that is about as forward-looking as the tax return from three years ago. And yet there is also today in Germany or the handful of those who dream of the next revolution. Another such program is the philosophical movement of Enlightenment. Only this is not how communism failed impressive, but quite the opposite. The program of education has been met in Germany at least quasi. Only so much, how some people would have hoped for them is probably not yet gotten around it. Presumably this is the reason why some of the completion of the Enlightenment do not notice, and the community of the "humanist ", "free thinkers " and several small blogs on the dissemination of information have taken up the cause.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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It is finished! The winner of the first time conferred

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a tribute to the Hegel Prize for the disregard of the log ik 2010
Thomas Steinschneider
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
love today, we have a very special reason out together. Today we honor a man who has done for us, for all its people and for all generations to come out of the ordinary. I speak of course of Mr Christoph Maria Michael Hugo Damian Peter Adalbert Cardinal Schönborn. walking in the footsteps of his Lord Jesus Christ, this pastor decided on a frugal life of Humility and modesty to preserve the immortal souls of his sheep from the undoubtedly deserved eternal damnation. But his privation existence between Audi limousines, Bishop Palace and its television studio seemed to inspire him by God himself blown and so restless mind only. For not only does it pleased the Lord in heaven, to guard him with incontrovertible arguments against scientific delusions such as the theory of evolution . No, it was the dogs of the Lord even to open up in defense of the teachings of his donor rolls entirely new way of logical reasoning for all of humanity! And this last one, maybe his biggest act, we want today at least a small share of the credit can get that it deserves. Let me first quote again his excellent and seminal statement:
" If he celibacy would blame [the sexual abuse], then there should be no abuse in the family."
we do here and now, look at this solemn occasion, not the dirty occasion, to whom we owe this breakthrough in human thought - those damnable anti-religious left some media smear campaign against an institution that humanity owes nothing less than morality per se! Finally, know, the last upper Bavarian Catholic from the divine depth of his heart out with certainty that pagan and atheistic cultures used to eat the whole of humanity throughout history at Christmas their children, made possible by love mutual immanence of God the Father and God the Son did not realize and on television is nothing but tits and advertising for blähbauchreduzierenden brought yogurt. And now it is thanks to Cardinal Schönborn, that we owe to the Christianity of today is not only the morality but also one of the greatest advances in the venerable science of logic since Aristotle's Analytica Priora.
Let me elaborate on something performance of the cardinal received. First, we must note that behind the "debt" have hides in his testimony actually the negative formulation of a cause. If celibacy were the cause of sexual abuse, then there should be a sexual abuse in families, say it. Some will argue now want the high praise worthy winners but just "forgets" that there may be a matter for several reasons. And such small "forgotten" details are for the good of the salvation of the sheep in the Catholic Church so not that unusual. So where should this be calculated disregard of logic, will be awarded for the Cardinal Schönborn? To see this, we have to penetrate a little deeper into the guiding statements of the winner. To appreciate the excellent statement completely, we will try to formalize it logically. Since it obviously is not possible to combine logical facts, but only sets, we first need the facts, that "A", replace by the corresponding set, "A", . Have we done this once, we must first "his cause of" logical formalized, eg by using the concept of minimal theory : A factor A is if and causally relevant to another factor B if it is included in the antecedent of the theory of minimal B . (Of course, these are just the condition for direct causal relevance. With respect to the late hour I was here, this restriction allows them.) we remind ourselves what a minimal theory of B is. A minimal theory of B is an Doppelkonditional with a minimally necessary disjunction of minimally sufficient Terms of B the antecedent, and B in consequence, so that each factor in the antecedent of B at any extension of the Doppelkonditionals is maintained. For logic formalization, it is now only a small step. All that remains to do is, write down the Doppelkonditional formal:
[(AX ∨ Y) ∧ F → B] ∧ [B → (AX ∨ Y) ∧ F]
This squeezes out of nothing more than that A is causally relevant for B . Or, if A is the celibate life, and B of sexual abuse, we now have the formal record of Cardinal Schönborn's premise "If celibacy would blame ...".
Now we must still make the conclusion. "There is no abuse in the Family" is now nothing more than
¬ [¬ (AX ∧ F) ∧ B]
is the entire logical conclusion of the winner so
{[(AX ∨ Y) ∧ F → B] ∧ [B → (AX ∨ Y) ∧ F]} → {¬ [¬ (AX ∧ F) ∧ B]}
Now we form using the relationship (Q → P) ≡ ¬ (Q ∧ ¬ P) nor the conclusion at:
{[(AX ∨ Y) ∧ F → B] ∧ [B → (AX ∨ Y) ∧ F] → {B} → (AX ∧ F)}
And only now revealed the full depth, the whole vision of the laureates! The "classic" "∨ Y" is eliminated! We are facing a conclusion in which she could discover only a special genius. And while the science is faced with a challenge. The performance of the cardinal, it is also at the same time calling and task. Do we really need the whole premise for this conclusion? Can we simplify even directly from an X → (Y ∨ Z) → X to Y? For a long time after us, the greatest minds of future generations look into this matter be. And long after our people will wrestle with the intellectual challenges of a distinguished Catholics like Cardinal Schönborn. But we ourselves are forced to content ourselves today with a quick glance at this broad field. But we must be grateful. Thankful that it was permitted us to be there, as this wide field of an outstanding intellectual figure as Cardinal Schönborn was opened for mankind. And with this final thought, it's up to me to open the buffet. Of course, this also alcoholic beverages are served. For alcohol, which is now exactly what it asked for the simple mind now. Thank you. (This fact then joined another 17 min 23 sec continuous applause.)