Friday, March 4, 2011

Fan Is Running But No Heat

Joke of the Week

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Losing Weight On Ready Brek

Birthday: Dear Lothar,

today is your birthday. It is not the landmark anniversary, the great, no, is that until next year, it's just a normal birthday today, one who likes to hide behind weighty numbers. And just because I want to congratulate you most warmly and wish you all the best. A Birth Day reminds us of the day we were born. Year after year. Again and again. And we are not getting any younger, but getting older, year after year. How many years have given us, we do not know. But we can celebrate what we know, namely, that today is your birthday!

This need not be have been easy, then, in this troubled time. For you to come into the world, for your mother - my grandmother - to release up to their 40th Birthday. Your brother - my father - at that time was almost two, he also will not remember your birth. And your father - my grandfather - if he was ever in the area? Could he even attend the birth of his second son? I have never met him, and you had him briefly - he died when you were seven years old.

All these things I do not know from personal experience, I was not there. I only know stories about it, have ideas about. We have only learned much later. Since you were already grown up. You have been in southern Germany lived - the great "journey" was behind you, the many difficult years. Do you needed more time you leave your home, you make on unfamiliar routes and looking at where could you get it. When I was born and you "uncle" are peace in the land and the houses had been rebuilt and freshly painted.

Our paths have not crossed often. No, perhaps because the rich fingers of my hands. But I remember a visit with you in Berlin. Renate whether that time is still studying, or already was done, I do not know. But we have visited. I was a child. It is a distant memory. More sense as an image. My brother is sure it must have been. And my parents.

You were a bearded, portly man, then, was to me both strange and familiar, I hardly "knew" and had but the same eyes as my father. There was a stranger and there was a familiarity to feel the same. I remember a black wall in your apartment, to masks and all sorts of strange objects they had. I found the adventurous and a bit scary.

I also remember that the "Westphalian Road", was in you lived - which I found strange. For I knew that the state in which I lived (North)-Westphalia said - and that was far away from Berlin. Perhaps, but this particular street name also made a connection, at least I imagined that took her from us to you.

You've always led an unusual life. The adult world in my circle rumors about it. But I could not do anything with because I did not know what that meant. Once you have been for a long time on a world tour. And since you have euern hangover - what was his name, he was black! - Brought to my grandmother in Tübingen. She has cared for him. And planted on her windowsill for Mühlstraße out a flower pot with grass - so the cat could have something fresh to eat. Also

I was at that time with her in a jeans shop at the station in Tübingen - I was still so small that jeans in my life did not matter - and we bought a pair of pants for you, which we sent to you then, in a packet. I loved it.

Yes, we've really seen only rarely. But when I'll finally, just a few years, as have before visited on the North Sea, and saw how beautiful and well equipped to provide your house and how much did you connected with it, what a great artist you like, as I have understand what it means to be artistic in life. The marriage between art and science is certainly not easy and the distance between the two is not like a straight road ahead of us, but it holds just what we may call the unfathomable mystery of life and beautiful. Being human means to be creative - and you symbolisierst for me.

Renate's life was drawing to a close back then - and I'm so glad I have you summarily visited yet! - And now you're already the fifth time on your birthday alone. How can it be? Maybe you get used to being alone - maybe not. It will be quiet up there, with you in the north - on your birthday. There is a lot to complain about, but the sun every morning is for us all. And

now when I think of you, I think of Joseph Beuys. I think of a traditional text from him - I have given him the other day - but the is about how we can stay inside always an artist. All that is external to you may not be possible, but inside I wish you that you can feel the lightness that gives us life here on earth. Glad you're here, Lothar, and once again, congratulations on your birthday today!
your niece Sophie

How to be an artist?

Let yourself fall to observe
learn snakes
plant impossible gardens. Invite someone

Dangerous to tea,
make small marks
say "Yes" and
distribute them anywhere in your house.
Become a friend of
freedom and uncertainty.
Look forward to dreams.
wines with movies,
Swayer as high as you can
with your swing in the moonlight.
care different moods,
refuse to be "responsible,"
do it for love.
belief in witchcraft,
laugh a lot,
bathe in the moonlight.
dreams wild fanciful dreams,
draw on the walls.
Read each day.
you'd be charmed,
giggle with Children
listen to old people.
games entertain with everything
the child in you, you are innocent
build a castle made of blankets,
get wet,
hug trees,
write love letters.

Joseph Beuys