Foucault on Bachelard
Kindly translation help from Paris (thank you) and after some searching, I could finally assign this video an article in Dits et Ecrits:
"An Bachelard amazes me is that he speak to his own Cultural events with its own culture plays. In traditional teaching - not only in traditional teaching, in the culture that we received - there are a certain number of fixed values, things you have to say and others that we may say nicth, works to estimate the and then others who are neglected, there is the great and small, and finally the hierarchy, the whole world with their heavenly thrones, dominions, angels and archangels! ... All this is very often hierarchical. Now Bachelard makes itself free of this whole complex of values, and he sets out woo them by reading anything and everything can take everything against. He remembers
if you will, to those skilled chess player, which manage to beat the small farmers the major figures. Bachelard is not afraid, a philosopher of inferior rank, or a scientist ... yes, a scientist, a little ... something imperfect or spun scientists of the 18th Descartes pointed towards century. He is not afraid, in the same analysis, the greatest poets and then to treat a small second-rate author [...]"
[Michel Foucault: Dits et Ecrits II, 111]
Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky
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