say freedom as a condition of exercising power
"Perhaps a term such as leadership advertises well just by virtue of his double meaning to what is specific to record to the balance of power." Leader "at the same time, the activity of 'leader' and the other [...] way of self- performance in a more or less open Field of possibilities. Exercise of power is in the 'Run of the guides' and in the creation of probability. The reason is power Wengi the nature of the confrontation between two adversaries or the obligation of one over the other as the 'government'. You have to let this word, the very wide meaning it in the 16th Century had. It was not only to political structures and the management of states, but described the manner in which the conduct of individuals or groups was drawn: Government of the children, the souls of the communities, the families of the sick. It did not cover and is set only from legitimate forms of political or economic subjection, but also more or less considered and calculated behaviors that were intended to influence the action potential of other individuals. To govern is in this sense to structure the field of possible actions of others. The power its own money as would therefore be neither on the side of violence and struggle, even on the part of the contract and will band (which can possibly be their instruments) to look, but on the part of this unique, neither warlike nor juridical way of acting: the directing acting government.
If one defines the exercise of power as a way of influencing the actions of others when they are through the 'governance' - in the broadest sense of that word - the people among features, take an important element into it: that of freedom. Power is only 'free subjects' exercise, and only where this 'free' are "
[Michel Foucault: Dits et Ecrits]
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