The genealogy and the search for the origin
"1 Genealogy is gray. Conscientiously and patiently sifts documents blur is working on, scratched, written on parchment several times. "
begins with these words, Foucault 1971 text in which he wrote perhaps the most focused on genealogy: Nietzsche, genealogy, history . And for those who are still wondering why they only find their starting point when looking for the source:
"Because it's in such a search in the first place comes to grasp the essence of the thing, its purest possible their introverted identity, unchanging, all external, random manner, after preliminary form. Anyone who seeks such a source, who wants to see 'what was already', the matching 'real thing' of an image with itself; He holds all the vicissitudes, lists, and panels for mere coincidences and will uncover all the masks to reveal the actual identity. But what the genealogist learns when he listens attentively to the story to believe instead of metaphysics? That there is something behind things 'very different': is not that secret, timeless essence, but the secret that they have no essence or that their essence was constructed piece by piece from figures that they were strangers. What is the reason come from? Of course, on entirely 'rational' way, namely by accident. Devotion to the truth and the severity of scientific methods? From the passions The scientists, from their mutual hatred of fanatical, constantly repeated debates, the will to win - weapons over long personal struggles have been forged slowly. And freedom? If it is the fundamental factor that binds man to being and truth? No, it is merely a 'invention of stands' is. On the historical beginning of things one comes not to the still intact identity of its source, but on disagreement and difference "
. [Michel Foucault: Nietzsche, genealogy, history, Dits et Ecrits II]
Foucault: Nietzsche, genealogy , the history
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