Michel Foucault: power as relations of governmentality
" When I started explicitly interested in the power that was by no means to make something out of power as a substance or as a more or less sinister aura, which spread through the social body would, together with the question of whether it comes from above or from below. I just want to start with a general question: 'What are relations of power? " The power that are essentially relationships, that is what it does, that the individuals, human beings are interrelated, not just in the form of communication of meaning, not just in the form of desire, but equally in a different form that allows them to interact with each other and if you like, by this word I give a very broad sense, to 'rule' each other [ gouverner ]. The parents rule the children, the mistress rules her lover, the teacher ruled, etc. It ruled today in a conversation through a range of tactics. I believe that this field of relationships is very important, and that's I want to pose as a problem. [...]
I have one day the phrase "Power comes from below 'use. I have now explained, but selbstversändlich comes up with: 'The power is an ugly disease, not to be believed, that they caught one on the head, but it works in reality, the soles of her top. " This is obviously not going to say what I do. I have already explained elsewhere, but I come back to the statement. In fact, if the question of power in terms of power relations is, therefore, if one grants that the relationship between individuals 'governmentality', a Quantity, a very complex web of relationships is, then the great forms of power in the strict sense of the term - political power, ideological power, etc. - necessary in this kind of relations, ie relations of governance and of leadership, which is between man can produce. And if it's not some kind of relationship like this, then it can not give certain other types of major political structuring "
. [Michel Foucault: The Intellectuals and the Powers]
Michel Foucault: History of governmentality
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