Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Are Platypuses Legal P

Pensions Savings lie? The T-Rex

A point of the forthcoming austerity program I would have to be explained. Because either I understand there's something profoundly wrong, or has been the most important thing to show up correctly in any media report I know of. And by that I mean the cancellation of the pension for Hartz IV recipients.

The facts: The state does not want the minimum pension contributions take over Hartz IVler. All papers and reports I've read to this measure was presented as a load of Hartz IV recipients who receive less pension at some point so yes.
That would be correct if our pension system would be a big piggy bank: you pay the contributions, which are collected and eventually you get from the collected his pension contributions paid.
fact, our pension system is a pay system: What is now of the labor force (and so far from the state for the Hartz IVler) paid will be immediately paid out to the current retirees. None of the money collected is set aside for those who derive from it at some point to a pension.
The consequences in regard to that measure of economy are serious and should really an entirely different point into the center of attention, as was previously read anywhere. Sure, we shortened the pension credit for Hartz IVler, get less pension. In 20 years or so. Perhaps - as many who are now expected to refer Hartz IV, with their pensions are not already on the basic insurance amount, and thus for this group of people really care and pension cuts. said on German well: when and how much and how many Hartz IVler some point when they retired be affected by this reduction are, which is the first time in the stars.
However, what happens now: The money paid into the state so far to all Hartz IVler in the pension fund that is missing. It is missing now. And, as noted above, the money in a pension fund is not so set aside at first, but on the current pensions paid. And the demands of current retirees will not change no matter what will happen to the claims of the Hartz IV recipients in the future. So
brought to the point, when I look at this scheme in the saving decisions, then I do not primarily a burden for Hartz IV recipients by in Future lower pensions. I see right now less revenue for the pension fund at right now spending unchanged.

Strangely, I have yet read of it in any press release. If I am right, will then leads the reduction in the pension grant for Hartz IVler first place in due course to increase the pension contribution for regular contributions. For somewhere, the pension fund the money they spend is still, and the state it no longer exists, so fetch. And so this would be part of the savings measure is not particularly a burden for Hartz IV recipients, as shown anywhere, but especially for Full circle of the normal social security contributions.
Or the federal government compensates the gaps with a higher tax allowance - then the state would save through this point of the savings program anything, but only shift the power transfer from one place to another.
So, my question now, if they can answer one: Has there about actually see the world a bit and simply forget that the pension is a contributory system, and is therefore sold all a savings measure falsely as to Hartz IV recipients is limited, which is actually mainly affect the labor ordinary people? If this reduction nothing more than a first billiard ball that triggers automatically over the next pension fund deficit, the next premium increase, you can forward unremarkable in this way to the normal average voters, not that he still identifies as the he demanded part of the savings program? Or I see something and it is true that as real money can be saved and only the Hartz IV recipients to the back pay as a retiree?


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