Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can Go Get An Std By Finger

Michel Foucault explains his archeology

" With 'Archaeology' I am no expert, but rather a research field that looks like this:
knowledge, philosophical ideas and everyday views a society, but also its institutions, the business and police practices or customs point to an implicit knowledge that this company is own. This knowledge differs radically from the knowledge that one in scientific books, philosophical theories and religious justifications can be found, but only this knowledge makes it possible that arises at a particular time, a theory, an opinion or a practice. Thus only had a certain knowledge are available, of madness and madness is not about order and disorder to the end of the 18th century were everywhere in Europe are the major Einschließungszentren, and that this knowledge I wanted to examine, as a condition of possibility of knowledge, institutions and practices.
Such a style of research to me is interesting because while the problem can be avoided if the theory of practice has gone before, or vice versa. I cover practices, institutions and theories on the same level for their respective isomorphisms in search of the common knowledge that they can has made, the layer of the constitutive historical knowledge. Instead of this knowledge from the perspective of the 'Practical-liabilities' to explain, I try to provide analysis of the 'theory-assets', as I would call it "
[Michel Foucault. The order of things, interview by R. Bellour , Dits et Ecrits I]


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