Saturday, January 29, 2011

80009 Headset Problem

Fortunately, there's the subjunctive

wrote What the Taz this week yet?

And time already knew for some time, things like

Unmatched is still Heiner Geissler!

Ok - understood principle! Now I try it yourself:
- Plato would Today, as migrants in Germany ( "Land of Ideas" !).
- Balzac would now be Prime Minister of Italy ( "splendor and misery of the courtesans' !).
- Determines Sartre would now FDP Chairman ( "Being and Nothingness" , "Nausea" !).

And all because I'm sure, would now read The truth about the truth !

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Corn Starch Where To Buy Uk

The threshold between day and night. I wonder collection

Time and again we cross the threshold of consciousness between day and night again - in the morning and evening, sometimes later, sometimes earlier. On the day we are awake and - more or less - consciously, we choose this and that and are constantly in action and current activities, internally and externally. Our consciousness is active and alert. On the night when we sleep, our daily consciousness is off, it sleeps. In the night they are aware moods, sounds, pictures and dream events, of which we are surrounded, and which we sometimes take up to the day. There are two different languages spoken in that day and the night with us.

When I wake up in the morning, the day is still not come before me. He opens his room - sometimes with a sunrise - but shows little of his own Projects, quietly, he offered himself. The threshold between waking and sleeping can happen quickly or slowly, if I always take a look inside the back. I have to reflect on the day to go to him to be really awake, and make me realize what the day might demand of me and what I want to do with him. The day offers itself, 365 times a year, without warranty promise - I'm the one who can make something of it.

There will be requirements to which I have the latest. Times that are "busy" from the outset. But there will also be open moments. Moments that are out of himself, from me and the social structure in which I stand straight, result. Perhaps these moments happen sleepwalking, perhaps aware of. One thing is certain, the seconds, minutes and hours pass without mercy. Time passes - no matter what I do with it.

still lying in bed, or perhaps standing in the shower, I sense a mood in me, which is not necessarily to put into words. She comes out of the night that lies behind me. Even if I do not recall "specifically" at night dream events, internal meetings or spiritual encounters, leaving the night but a sound inside of me. Sometimes I am sad and dark, sometimes bright and full of energy, there are days in which more than outweighs a confidence, but sometimes the concerns about what is coming. There are nights that leave me with a word, a thought, a poem or a sentence. But sometimes I also feel that the night keeps me trapped in a black box.

In the night we handle what we did on the previous day, thought and felt before and prepare internally for what lies ahead. If we can not sleep the night, then there is something that is not yet free of the day. Who does not know that we want to sleep on a particular subject only once - nights's sleep can mysteriously give a certainty that produce no conscious thought can. They say that we meet at night in our sleeping angels and the earthly and heavenly realities are linked. Gives us the idea of night waking in the morning - if we pay attention.

By Tagesrückblick in the evening and a foresight on the day we give the night a chance to make yourself understood at the two thresholds. And during the day when we once again pause and listen into us, then we may hear the quiet voice within us that speaks from the soft gold of the night to us. can be

• Preparatory questions from the day the night

What have I thought, felt and done? What was
the most important thing today?
Which was a special moment?
What question remained unanswered?
What answer, which set I've heard is, for me?
Is there something I am ashamed of what I did wrong?
Was there a moment that has such an inner dark abyss open before me?
there been word-gifts, the sense I have not understood?
Is there something I want to sleep first? What I am
the day into the night?

Direct questions to the night are personal, concrete and not to generalize. They result from the day's events, internal company requirements and needs, the issues with which one is employed. Are you an offer to the night. Principle can, however, say that up is possible on any curious questions about the future. If we deeply open and not "results-oriented," the night to ask for something to offer us her in relation to this or that question, then they will respond - in one way or another. Maybe not with a specific sentence, but certainly with a mood, a sound, a picture or a note. Maybe this happens not directly in the first seconds of the day, but during the morning.

• mood from the night of the day:

What dreams I have brought? How
is my mood?
Is there a sound, word, a picture?
What is my first thought?
How do I feel?
Am I rested, alert and full of energy?
Or I feel sadness, lethargy or heaviness?
I get a direct answer to my question?
Or did I forget my question?
To whom or what I think, who comes to my mind?

is possible to formulate a set of the evening - on the day when I asked about my condition. And in the morning, also for a set a record of what has brought the night where I ended up in the morning and from where I walk back into a new day as it comes. Perhaps like the one or the other of them in the comments tell us something - I would appreciate it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Dry Out Gloves

The world and me. If questions about the intersection

When I look at the world, then I see a lot of things that could be done so that should be done or even should. The earth cries out to be treated well and better, extinct plants and animals threaten and do survive, and at the level of the people, there is a whole universe of things that could be further developed and made to take, or should.

The above verbs lead to a seemingly arbitrary list of dance. Each time they have interchanged and there is no clear evidence as to which word where is. That depends on the perspective and skills from which someone what someone can or should be - quite apart from what someone wants, which is included individual and situational reasons. Let's look at the tension between the individual and the world in terms of the above words and listen to the world and in ourselves into it. What is there to understand at this level?

When I look at me, then I see things I can, I shall for any reason, must or I will. The level of skills and abilities of the things that I can take it a special role. There are things that I know I can - that are somehow on the Hand that I just do. Both the world and I know myself and accept that I can some things, like cook dinner or write a blog text - which is not at the level of ability in question.

There is also a hidden skill. Something that lies in me, but has not yet come to light. A lying in my ability so that also for me and himself, as was not born for the world outside and wait for specific moments or situations. This is a mysterious ability to recall, those are skills and abilities - the show is not always and not to deliberately control, but can emerge suddenly.

Another type of ability is for myself hidden, but visible to the world. I will have expected something, something in wearing something passed - as I do not recognize me until now had not considered capable. The world sees something in me that I do not own or which I know nothing - what I can. Depending on the ratio in which I stand, "the world" to my fellow human beings and the living things around me, these options are visible, they can be taken consciously or just neglected.

be seen from this example how closely the individual and World are connected with each other, the possibilities and responsibilities encounters between "the world" and I thinly. But what is really "the world"? Apart from many others, my fellow human beings in every case to - they are outside of me (and simultaneously a part of me). As an essential network are all the human connections, possibilities and impossibilities of the Earth, are part of the world - and me.

over the words "should" and "must", could write a long philosophical treatises. It depends on the angle from the perspective attitude to life, the human image and more off. "Should" and "must" are individually despite globalized world and justify by their respective needs and circumstances in a particular context. So there are different worlds in one world.

or specifically, what remains is me, my will. My will. Will impulses are not controlled by the world, but be embedded in my by my destiny, past, present and future by myself. And even this level has a mystery in itself. Because, I know what I want? I really know in depth what I want? I steer my feet deliberately on certain routes? Intuitions about there. Feelings. And on the surface also a strong exhortations. But it remains a mystery - we do not know all the moments where we realize that we have done something and later realize that it was just what we wanted in the depths of our being, what belongs to our destination - we did not? Or vice versa, that we do things for which we are ashamed afterwards - which we did not want?

The questions I posed in the Christmas season have triggered something in me. They have come from the inside out - I have made the world. And many comments, questions, answers and comments are then on the outside of me, came to me. And from this movement results in a fabric, a network - a breath between me and the world. " "The World" - my readers! - Have asked me or asked to provide further questions. I wonder if I can, I do not know. Whether I should or must be fully open. What I do know that I want it - so I'll do it. Just because I do not need - but only because I want it! (This is why I "must" it.)

individual and the world are two inseparable things, they go forth apart. Signs are the words may, should, must - must - And want. Only the will to my own will, which decides whether I go out on a Can, Should or Must if I want the things is, and must actually do. But how will I wake my sleeping on soft?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Navagate In Fsx

Hegel Prize for contempt of logic 2010 - The Final Days!

The vote on the first carrier of the Hegel Prize for ending the disregard of logic in a few days, and the preparations for the ceremony are in full swing! The Subcommittee on the award certificate creation is working hard to fiddle with only OpenOffice a professional looking document together. The Subcommittee on Festlichkeitsausgestaltung has been concerned in Craft Supplies golden wire to weave a victory wreath. The champagne is already made cold, and the Award Committee is already thought about the remaining 11 days are warm with beer. And if it still manages to win the woman of the prize committee president, then there are the awards ceremony even sandwiches! Finally, full 104 votes cast in just 24 days, the passionate interest of world public document at this price, which in its political sensitivity is possibly surpassed by the Nobel Peace Prize (voices from the international publicity "Furthermore, does the nomination of A [Cardinal Schönborn] pretty ridiculous," "So, candidate C [Niebel] must but either way get a prize." ). High time, all accumulated in one or other way to answer questions about the price even faster!

Is not it unfair to make statements such heavyweights as the Cardinals on a par with the testimony of "little lights" such as sewage treatment plant operators?
No. Anyone who incurred by in full possession of his faculties Statements in the media, be it the "new" or the "old", excelled, has the same chance to get on a price. It lies only with the voters, where appropriate weights for the meaning of the author make.

Is not it pointless to nominate representatives of the Catholic Church? After all the deals with nothing but the contempt of logic.
No. The nomination of the winners does not distinguish between professional disregard of logic, and the approach of ambitious amateurs. Again, it is alone with the voters to make weights for the professionalism of the author.
And also those prices would make without the representatives of the clergy even half as much fun.

Is not it pointless to nominate a representative to the FDP? After all, his party is already on the ground anyway.
No. Apart from the fact that in the case of the FDP Nachtreten justified morally prostrate on the ground: as long as the FDP receives more votes than the party drivers, it is still not where it really belongs.
also report illustrates a political nomination to the intellectual standards of this blog, as an equal medium alongside such quality publications such as the Cicero, the Focus will and perceived Niederlausitzer newspaper to.

Why is the price actually named after Hegel?
Here, one could do a far gehene analysis: The critique of German idealism, combined with the criticism of the reasoning of the Prize candidate, increased to defamation of both sides! Once the contempt for Hegel Argumentionsweise by more people coming out of analytic philosophy is (formulated impressive elected by Bertrand Russell in the History of Western Philosophy Leitzitat and as this blog) underlined by the identification with the reasoning of the candidate. Moreover, the contempt for the reasoning of the candidates being considered by the philosophy of Hegel is given expression. And - worse The logic, the more interesting conclusions - that fits so as to Hegel on the Prize candidate!
The real reason for the Namesgebung the price is different. The reference to the weighty name of a poorly understood philosopher report illustrates the intellectual standards of this blog, as an equal medium alongside such quality publications such as the Cicero, the Focus and Niederlausitzer Newspapers to be perceived.

So where is all clear now, even faster the last few days and vote for your favorite!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brown And Yellow Cervical Mucus

The great cycles of the sky

In our popular little series "The Wheel of History" land [ Part 1, Part 2 ] we today in astrology. Only the image announced on 15 January, the "Astro- shock", then jumps today also the Süddeutsche on . The astrologers are shocked, the star signs are wrong! The rotation of the Earth's axis, the sun is not even today the constellations with which the chart to a specific date is calculated! Oh dear, young women are not virgins [Symbol photo!] !
Good, the image we want to say nothing further. But even the Süddeutsche know, after a lecture by astronomer Parke Kunkle "was nothing like before! "It really Kunkle has repeatedly only to explain what astronomers for more than a thousand years." And what newspapers are apparently in for decades. For in this case, we can now even dig very deep back into the newspaper archives. Not only that the image 2002 already with the same headline was therefore , no, the phenomenon the shift of the constellations of the zodiac by the rotation of the Earth's axis, we find, for example, already mentioned
- in the mirror 47/1950
- in the mirror 8 / 1978
- from the online world 29th August 2008
self in Wikipedia is the effect fully explained, and much more numerous, more or less imaginative opinions of astrologers, why can they not care this effect will be astronomical. Obviously do not just turn on the astrologers of their clients all crap but also the Süddeutsche ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Women's Jackets With Patches On The Elbows

Red gummi bears make stupid!

first occurs Thilo Sarrazin loose a debate on foreigners, thus rinsing the DVA Publisher million in its coffers. Then comes Sarrazin Ursula, wife of Thilo Sarrazin, also a debate going on formation and rescues the Focus-anniversary edition. And now this blog is ultimately the very great fortune! We present today: a guest post by Joseph Sarrazin (7), the son of Thilo Sarrazin! Again, kindled a debate in Germany, and once again the silent majority has found her voice! Read it now exclusively on this blog:
Of red gummi bears one is stupid!
A guest post by Joseph Sarrazin (7), Berlin
Hello! In the German gummy bears bags more and more red jelly babies in there. I find it stupid. Back when I was 6 years old, there were fewer red jelly babies in the bag. And for more yellow. I asked my dad, and he made me a statistic. In a bag of red gummi bears are 43.1% there. I do not know how much is that, but I think this is too much. Papa says that since the Communists put behind. These are the ones who want that live quite a lot of foreigners in Germany. And all the more be more stupid. And the foreigners who steal to me then the last jelly baby. Those who do not are red. And the food on the then. Or so says Dad. And Mama says that we German children are getting dumber. That must be because the take Aisha and her friends always eat all the yellow and gummy bears. And because we can only eat the red gummy bears from the Communists, so we will be more stupid. Because communists are indeed stupid. And they make the red jelly babies. Papa says it's important that I say this. For this is true that more and more red gummy bears in the bag in there. And what is right, I must say so, says Dad. Bye!
And once again joins Sarrazin a delicate but necessary debate going on in the country! Make red jelly babies really stupid? And really stuck behind the Communists, and not before the multi-cultural eco-green? Join the debate

And soon they read here shocking new truths!
Next week: Declared
Seven Years Sarrazin, Ursula, as they may cancel the key lock on her cell phone again!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fall On My Elbow Swollen

the beginning was the word - in the end, porn

To hear how devout Pastafari consequently for starting Thank God! in Monster is thanks! modify , then falls again on one, how far wolfed Christianity in the language. And the German is of course not alone. In English, we wish God's blessing a sneeze ( God bless you! ), and who the Bavarian Hello! always found stupid that is with the English ¡Adiós! - a Dios - not a bit happier.
But if you have it makes to avoid the contamination of the Christian language, then one is faced with even greater responsibilities. Only time would probably be abandoned to a long list of common ways of speaking . Learn About wash the hands of ("I wash my hands of it and keep me, Lord, to thine altar," Psalm 26.6, "As Pilate saw that he made nothing, but that rather a tumult was, took water and he washed his hands before the multitude, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just see to it yourselves," Mt 27.24), or cast pearls before swine ("You shall not give sanctuary to the dogs! and your pearls before swine cast, that they may not trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you. "Mt 7.6), or his light under a bushel ("One does not light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick;. It shines for all who are in the house," Matthew 5.14), and, and, and ...
is really difficult but then it only when it comes to words that are not on the basis of Christianity. Even though there are practical words for such branched affinity chains such as the brother of my spouse ( Schwager ), or the spouse of the brother of my spouse ( brother-), but are for what are potentially much closer relationship with the father / mother of my child, it no special name. The other parent may be declared only as my husband / wife, or little common practice of going through the child. Apparently lacking a word for the other parent of my child, because it was in the Christian West does not give children without marriage.
same Christian sexual morality has distorted other words completely. A good example is the BH . In the bra behind this abbreviation we may well understand the holder yet. But the fact that the bra has just busts? In other languages Christian sees it as not much better. The English bra is also a short cut, just for a foreign word, brassiere. This French word is by no means in France for a bra, but for a jacket . In French, the bra a is soutien-gorge . And so rather something that supports the neck . Everywhere people seem to shy away from mentioning the tit like the plague. The contrast with the languages of non-Christian or late Christianized peoples is even more glaring. In Chinese, the bra a xiōngyī . And xiong chest and the clothing. Quite so clear. Pure in heart, only the speaker of Creole languages such as Tok Pisin from New Guinea. There is the bra a banis bilong susu , Banis the enclosure bilong something like of ("belong"), and susu the breast. And an enclosure for the breasts, the bra is just that, ultimately, yes.
means that there remains too much to do for the language cleaner for Pastafari. Whether one likes it or not, the age-old heritage of Christianity in their languages, even into the depths of the vocabulary, the Europeans would be well after the end of Christianity, not in generations to overcome.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Uhaul That Fits Queen Size

This strange relationship between the know ... and the real story

"I think my problem is this strange relationship between the knowledge, learning, theory and the real story I know very well -. And I think I've known since my childhood - that knowledge has not the power change the world. maybe I am wrong. And I am sure that I got from a theoretical point of injustice, for I know very well that the knowledge has changed the world.
But when I refer to my own experience I have a feeling that the knowledge can do nothing for us, and that political power is capable of destroying us. All knowledge of the world, I prefer not to to. All the things I say, depends not with whom, what I think in theory (I know it is wrong), but with what I deduced from my own experience. I know that knowledge has power to transform us, that truth is not merely a way to decipher the world [...], but I when I tell the truth to be transformed will. And perhaps saved. Or will I die then, but I glabue in any case that it is the same for me, "
[Michel Foucault: Dits et Ecrits IV, p. 654]

Friday, January 7, 2011

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be the fourth king. The path of failure

Again and again I have to think of the history of the fourth king. So many years I had only the three kings, Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar known - with their heads raised, their astonishing gifts, incense, myrrh and gold, and their short and successful visit to the newborn child in Bethlehem. The fourth king is Artaban and he embodies the human, earthly journey to Christianity. The path marked by the failure is, and some of us might know.

Artaban is the fourth way from the East, he will follow with the other three the star to Bethlehem to worship the new king. He takes him for a sapphire, with a ruby and a pearl. But he achieved his companions in time because he a patient who was in his way, and helped saved his life. The others are already gone when he arrives at the agreed location. Artaban makes himself alone on the vast and unknown journey, he follows the star imperturbable. For to follow the course of the star, it is said, means to untangle the threads of the mystery of life from beginning to end.

His trip is delayed. He must sell the sapphire in order to procure equipment that enable it to cross the desert alone. It further follows the star, because the stars represent the thoughts of the eternal and thus the new. Artaban remains true to its path and draws inspiration from his faith, his love and hope have to welcome the new king to be allowed even though the time is advanced and the star is already fading. When he finally comes

to Bethlehem, the holy family had fled - his three companions who had preceded him, has already moved on. Exhausted, he finds a refuge with a young woman with a small child, and he may, on the basis of the give-way there his ruby, prevent even the little child in this house the soldiers of Herod falls victim.

Artaban moves on. Weak and tired. He seeks the king does not lose its track, but he is always too late. Years pass. Often he is in despair. After thirty-three years, he is as old and frail man back to Jerusalem to die, but still a seeker after the new king, even though he has almost given up. Only his pearl it has remained as a gift yet. Since it is a troop of soldiers against that drives a young girl before him, to be sold as a slave.

clasped the girl in fear the weak Artaban knees and begs for help. And once again threatens to shatter the soul Artaban in doubt - he should give even the last gift, without having found the king? Artaban gives in and gives it the Pearl of the girl so that she has a ransom. He himself admits that his quest has failed, that it is over and that he would die now, without finding the star.

It lies on the edge of the road and see how crowds move past him to Calvary, to be there when two notorious robbers, and one who is called Jesus of Nazareth to be crucified. Artaban indulges his weakness, and hears a voice, to his Heart speaks. "Verily I say unto you, What you have done the least of my brethren, ye have done it unto me." And so in death he is the new king, he has sought for so long, very close. He finds him.
This story touched me very
. What I have not once asked for anything, and I made myself a little determination. Desire, intention, determination - such simple words. Yes, some things have already been around when I look back, - but much, much, not - not at all! And sometimes I doubt whether I am on the right path, if my star is still lit, and if I know my fellow travelers.

The story of Artaban gives me comfort. It shows how so many different story, say as "Lord of the Rings" or "Parsifal", how right you are doing it to stay with his wishes, plans and decisions loyal, even if it still seems so hopeless, because we rarely know where in the great journey we find ourselves.

failure, or rather alleged failure hurts. And success (perceived success?), We have grown up like us. But if I read all the wonderful comments that have arrived so quietly and softly and incessantly on my Christmas questions, then I see how much pain, uncertainty and tedious way we all tread to the stars to follow to carry the faith to live the love and not give up our hopes.

I thank you very much for every single comment, because each fragment is a piece of every star in the evening sky, where each of us follows that each of us is. Henry van Dyke

: The fourth way. Published at the Goetheanum, Dornach (CH).

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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Christmas Question Question XII XIII

What has the opening to the spiritual world showed you, given you what you offer the world in the new year?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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Christmas Christmas

What did you dream what you dream - and what follows from your dream consciousness?

Monday, January 3, 2011

How To Get High On Benzonatate

question XI

How do you provide for Arrivals, the baby inside you?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

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Christmas Question X Question IX

Who or what do you want to meet you where you'll direct your feet?

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What is with you in coming, take what you think - and why?