The threshold between day and night. I wonder collection Time and again we cross the threshold of consciousness between day and night again - in the morning and evening, sometimes later, sometimes earlier. On the day we are awake and - more or less - consciously, we choose this and that and are constantly in action and current activities, internally and externally. Our consciousness is active and alert. On the night when we sleep, our daily consciousness is off, it sleeps. In the night they are aware moods, sounds, pictures and dream events, of which we are surrounded, and which we sometimes take up to the day. There are two different languages spoken in that day and the night with us.
When I wake up in the morning, the day is still not come before me. He opens his room - sometimes with a sunrise - but shows little of his own Projects, quietly, he offered himself. The threshold between waking and sleeping can happen quickly or slowly, if I always take a look inside the back. I have to reflect on the day to go to him to be really awake, and make me realize what the day might demand of me and what I want to do with him. The day offers itself, 365 times a year, without warranty promise - I'm the one who can make something of it.
There will be requirements to which I have the latest. Times that are "busy" from the outset. But there will also be open moments. Moments that are out of himself, from me and the social structure in which I stand straight, result. Perhaps these moments happen sleepwalking, perhaps aware of. One thing is certain, the seconds, minutes and hours pass without mercy. Time passes - no matter what I do with it.
still lying in bed, or perhaps standing in the shower, I sense a mood in me, which is not necessarily to put into words. She comes out of the night that lies behind me. Even if I do not recall "specifically" at night dream events, internal meetings or spiritual encounters, leaving the night but a sound inside of me. Sometimes I am sad and dark, sometimes bright and full of energy, there are days in which more than outweighs a confidence, but sometimes the concerns about what is coming. There are nights that leave me with a word, a thought, a poem or a sentence. But sometimes I also feel that the night keeps me trapped in a black box.
In the night we handle what we did on the previous day, thought and felt before and prepare internally for what lies ahead. If we can not sleep the night, then there is something that is not yet free of the day. Who does not know that we want to sleep on a particular subject only once - nights's sleep can mysteriously give a certainty that produce no conscious thought can. They say that we meet at night in our sleeping angels and the earthly and heavenly realities are linked. Gives us the idea of night waking in the morning - if we pay attention.
By Tagesrückblick in the evening and a foresight on the day we give the night a chance to make yourself understood at the two thresholds. And during the day when we once again pause and listen into us, then we may hear the quiet voice within us that speaks from the soft gold of the night to us. can be
• Preparatory questions from the day the night
What have I thought, felt and done? What was
the most important thing today?
Which was a special moment?
What question remained unanswered?
What answer, which set I've heard is, for me?
Is there something I am ashamed of what I did wrong?
Was there a moment that has such an inner dark abyss open before me?
there been word-gifts, the sense I have not understood?
Is there something I want to sleep first? What I am
the day into the night?
Direct questions to the night are personal, concrete and not to generalize. They result from the day's events, internal company requirements and needs, the issues with which one is employed. Are you an offer to the night. Principle can, however, say that up is possible on any curious questions about the future. If we deeply open and not "results-oriented," the night to ask for something to offer us her in relation to this or that question, then they will respond - in one way or another. Maybe not with a specific sentence, but certainly with a mood, a sound, a picture or a note. Maybe this happens not directly in the first seconds of the day, but during the morning.
• mood from the night of the day:
What dreams I have brought? How
is my mood?
Is there a sound, word, a picture?
What is my first thought?
How do I feel?
Am I rested, alert and full of energy?
Or I feel sadness, lethargy or heaviness?
I get a direct answer to my question?
Or did I forget my question?
To whom or what I think, who comes to my mind?
is possible to formulate a set of the evening - on the day when I asked about my condition. And in the morning, also for a set a record of what has brought the night where I ended up in the morning and from where I walk back into a new day as it comes. Perhaps like the one or the other of them in the comments tell us something - I would appreciate it.