Friday, December 31, 2010
Weed And Melesenteric Adinitus
How do you feel you, how are you - at the intersection between yesterday and tomorrow, between the passing and the coming year?
Thursday, December 30, 2010
How Much Is The Movie Unleashed Worth
office What you before you, when you think of the future - the current time is before you - that idea - or even intentions - do you have?
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end of the year is it's still scary times! For DJ Bem, a psychologist at Cornell University, a preliminary version has provided a professional article, in which it is about nothing less than the experimental detection of Psi-powers! The promising title: "Feeling the Future: Experimental evidence of abnormal retroactive effects on cognition and affect" ( Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anormalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect ). And in this article nine psychological experiments and their results are presented, which have in fact in itself! For it is claimed on the evidence, not the future events, the occurrence is determined, can influence the thinking and acting. So it should be possible for human beings, the place of emergence of pornographic images ( or representations of "couples who are involved in non-violent and consensual, but explicit sexual conduct" as the scientist formulates ) on the computer screen to know before has set a random this place. Or one should better remember words you will learn in the future, even if you do not even know that they will learn it and has not yet determined a random word to be learned. The research results are of course spectacular, so I want to forget sometimes that I am neither a psychologist nor a statistician, but at times to take a closer look at the article!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Comebacks For Being Called Four Eyes
What puzzles employ up between heaven and earth, who or what you want to pursue?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
How To Make The Coolest Tin Foil Boat
What do you regret what you've forgotten what you want to do differently?
Monday, December 27, 2010
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What you Christmas - the sacred time - which you are connecting with it and what you ache for it?
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The first nomination goes to a specialist for children vedient fuck out of the Catholic clergy. On of 5 March 2010, the cardinal was quoted:
"If celibacy would blame [of sexual abuse], then there should be no abuse in the family."
Exactly. Presumably, one must first overcome years of theological studies in order to find this inference plausible. If one has the Reasoning but once internalized, will light a lot further: If alcohol consumption would have to blame for traffic accidents, remaining sober people do not have accidents. Too bad that it just had to be the Protestant Käßmann that drove this reasoning to its ultimate conclusion!
Candidate B: Anton Stucki, Treuenbrietzen, Klärwerksbereiber
Mr. Stucki sonicated in its wastewater treatment plant bacteria, with music by Mozart, to encourage them to better water treatment. In an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung of 2 June 2010 he explains the logic behind this original action with the words:
"His [ie, Mozart's] music affects people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. So why not on microbes? Microbes but being as we are."
Exactly. At least as most of us. And people of all ages and cultural backgrounds clarifiers are disgusting. The question of why microbes still feel it probably is waiting, as the "Stucki paradox" on their answer by a competent treatment plant operator!
profound Not yet beautiful and so well deserved nomination.
Candidate C: Dirk Niebel, Berlin, Development Aid Minister
2010 was indeed a year of football, so there must also comment on the Soccer ago. And the Lord has provided Niebel, even though I'm not sure how serious it was meant. Although the FDP is indeed the fun party expert (tax cuts for hotel accommodation, Late Roman Dekandenz the Hartz IV ,...), but with politicians you never know ... In an interview from
with inductive logic in the colorful world of causality! The Fact that I had only ever have sex when the CDU or SPD presented the Chancellor, I should finally be included in my choices! Thank you, FDP! But there's a nomination on the launch pad C.
And finally:
candidate D: Roland Duerden, Vienna, comedian
equal even a nomination goes to Austria! The question "Is there for you God?" he answered in courier of 21 October finished with. "Yes, of course, in the sense that one crosses out the word of God and for writing down the word of life: I really can not explain it, what is the life This is the big one. Mystery is why the scientists in Switzerland send particles in a circle. Here, the Indians have always been known everything "except times like this that the white coat to answer the question, what is life, instead of particles to send in a circle, simply should even ask for Winnetou -. I myself am also convinced that it God gives, if one "God" with "Wackeldackel replaced! And spinach tastes much better when he was replaced before serving with a steak! much plausible argument has to be rewarded with a nomination!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Big Woman Wearing A Girdle
What are you waiting for - if you look at the world from you, and from the world look at you - and what do you hope from your expectation?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
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What pictures arise in you when you look back, when you think of Christmases of your childhood?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Spanish Examples Of Wedding Invitation Wording
What do you wish you, who or what you want to help a birth?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Zoophilia Videa Zdarma
The claim that atheism is also a form of faith (or at least what passes for this) so would not get better by repetition. So one can at least read it or hear. But I'm that do not learn, and I dedicate myself yet once again the subject, again from another side. For hardly a rejection that is not held against how it would be better. And in the case of faith which is typically the science, at least in the empirical sciences, or further restricts the natural sciences. So let's go to the question of what makes an empirical science into one. Laaaangweilig! Because of course there is wonderful harmony in the fact that it is the testability of a theory of experience, and in particular its refutability by experience that makes a theory of an empirical science. Here we go but still a bit further into detail.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Best Exercises For A Torn Rotator Cuff
Dear readers, questions move. They shed light, lead, and guide us - if we want to. Let us understand the past, help to live the present and shape the future. Ask open interior, and sometimes outer space, questions lead into the depths, into the air and into the distance.
I have prepared for the Christmas season, the holy nights, questions. And I will, starting with 24.12. To place each afternoon on my blog page. My wish and my idea is that the night these questions inner space is available, in which they can move. I hereby would like to invite you all warm and participate, to read these questions, they take with them nachzulauschen and watch what is produced.
questions can be born from within ourselves or coming from the outside on us. You can surround us and show new ways. There are issues relating to the intellectual level, as well as on the emotional or volitional level. Questions may seem like inner engine, put the whole mountain.
We live in fast time structures, in an apparent response culture. Everywhere there are professionals who are an attempt to answer our questions quickly everyday to overcome difficulties and uncertainties to mitigate. Most of the money is playing a role. But that's not all, because there are Questions can be answered easily, or not organize. Questions that ask for an open space, the search for the Personal, Unusual, Unsuspecting, dreamy or incomplete. Questions which need to be worn.
The holiday season is a special time for it, as the world pauses for a moment. This time can create a stillness, open our hearts and allow inner rooms. No matter where we are, no matter what we do. It means that we can have in the holy nights an unconscious encounter with our higher self. It is a time when heaven and earth are close. A time of retrospection and of foresight, a time of between, a space. But also a time when the moment, the presence of particular importance. There are days between yesterday and tomorrow, and so the day of presence - past and future merge in the now.
offers I would have any kind of responses to the questions I ask. This can be anonymous or by name - like, of course, as a public comment so that all can share in it, who want it. It can provide answers, links, stories, dreams, pictures, poems, quotes, thoughts, feelings, impulses of will, further questions, or anything else ... all this must not "understand" are not explained or be justified. It just goes to that cause what the questions where they direct you what they do to you.
My Christmas Questions for the holy "mean" come from three areas: in the field of desire / longing, the field of vision / intent and in the field of decision / resolution. These are the questions that create a connection between the individual and the world in which the world is expressed in the individual and vice versa. And they are questions that make the time current experience, guided by the past through the present into the future. (Who knows the human science of Rudolf Steiner, is an idea of why I chose these areas.)
all readers I wish a happy Christmas, with lots of imagination, inspiration and intuition and a good new year full of questions and answers! Welcome, Sophie Pannitschka
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Is The Rawlings Primo Worth Buying
The time before Christmas, not of peace is still very much dominated by reflection. Anna tries to stay still in their midst, but she feels that it varies, sometimes they lose track. The Rock of Gibraltar has become a tottering pillar in the wind. If she closes her eyes, she felt her fatigue, her sadness, her despair - between all the things to do. It usually falls
into a deep sleep at night and wakes up only by a shrill alarm clock in the dark. But this time she wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night - on its own - and it's very dark around her. But internally, they immediately sensed the light, the little that shines there. She feels the warmth of her body belongs to knock her heart, feels light and free. Just before she starts to turn again to weiterzuschlafen, she decides to stay awake.
against the admonishing words of her head, which will turn on and produces rational warnings: should you sleep, relax for the day, generate forces, just SLEEP. But Anna is alive. And it assumes that. It is very still and feel how open her heart. She listens to the tunes of the night. Fine words. gives
The night her words, a free period, she gets holiday - from her night sleep - and takes the hesitation. They lived through the open space that is given her, and enters into it. She stands and turns to the window. It is winter. Cold. And the star-lit abundance hot and cold in the night sky. Light and darkness - so close together. Just like the emptiness and fullness that she feels the same in itself. The tranquility and ascended, the movement and pause.
difficult it is, whenever the opposition struggle with each other when they feel attacked by their opponent. To fight their place, their sovereignty. If the mutual recognition fails. Without light, no shadows, no shadows no light. That can be imagined. What feelings arise, however, if this wisdom does not think, but is experienced?
Anna feels like it will internally continue to expand. It is still at the window, very quiet. And she takes part in the past and a glimpse of the future, she feels the current time. And suddenly feels that she is a little star. That hooks. With this one. Still her tears down her cheeks, small stars on the earth.
people appear at its heart inside. And they feel, how their fate into their network begins to rain - even though people are all asleep in any place to dream ... probably. Or is there someone who is awake now? The stars considered? Just as they - can conquer and from his own heart?
How shooting stars are the words. Submit. And, they add. Just as it knows Anna from a poem by Erich Fried. And she thanks, yes, to whom, perhaps himself - for this night hours, alone at the window with the cold, wintry sky, they back together again.
It is a poet
is a
the words
That's not true
A poet
is a
the words
still halfway
if lucky
When misfortune has
tear the words
him apart
Erich Fried
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
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is actually meant for something even commenting on the blog, but now I just have to respond through a blog post on your text Boring . I will continue to do so thoroughly and objectively, and maybe you can, too, at least once and give short, the usual shouting and tapering? An attempt ...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Betsty Johnson Diaper Bag
Candy Bar Sayings. Asking To A Dance
Today it happened! Drum roll ... Aaaand: Voyager 1 has reached to 17.4 billion km journey to the edge of the solar system! Incredible! But that report today unanimously time, the world , the star that Frankfurter Rundschau, and many more. Since the vote is already. Bravo.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dr And Mrs Vandertramp Paper
Over and over again forces itself on one of the impression of many things and people is just too much reported, discussed and speculated . Just think of the case Kachelmann A rape charge against a weather presenter -... one would think that's enough for just a short message under "Miscellaneous" And yet this issue in the media seems almost omnipresent And a while ago it was Sarrazin, his theses, either stupid or repetitive, far too much, were much too often discussed as if the objective seemed to deserve. Now, however, such estimates, about which too much is said and reported, unfortunately, a very subjective issue, and some will probably come to a different personal view. How nice would it be if they had a factual, objective and clearly quantified measure of whether a subject or a person gets too much public attention or not! And such an unerring measure we want to build us now.
Thus we come together prepared for the following Overview Diagram: terms that are in this view above the limit of the main series are overrated in the sense that more is said about them and spoken, than their actual importance would justify. For terms below the main sequence is the opposite.
So what can we say more? I should perhaps, the entire list subsequent filing with words that I used for the determination of the main sequence and of the discipline. And sometimes silent otherwise rather ...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Diagram Parts Of A Digital Slr Camera
It rose to a dove-gray afternoon, the color is slowly transformed into the grayish, off the train. The last sunlight of the short day level even with the clouds, who wanted to push vigorously to the fore. It was the calm before a storm, which made every step seem reasonable. She turned westward to the blaze at the sky, appear so because they would not want to miss. Who would win, the last sun rays or the first rain drops? Behind her were the hours of travel, before her meeting. She wrapped her gray shawl around and looked several times with her blue eyes in the known direction.
He had arrived in the first morning at the airport. The sky was still intact and it was apparent that the birds are enjoying their freedom. It was still night was when he got up, and now he was glad that he slowly embraced the light of day. He enjoyed watching the birds in the sky, as they drew their districts and their flights could be next. He was miserable, with its Bag in his hand and his hat on his head. It would be an ordeal. But he was ready. Deeply, he sucked the air into his tortured lungs before he boarded the plane that would take him to the old country.
She ran without their luggage through the old streets. She hoped that she would be admitted. The opening times were not familiar to her. She knew the system only from the time when it was still lived in it. As there was a now a lively, industrious and hard today. As the time flows still moving, the future is the present approached again and again and give birth through them and let fuel before it became the past. Now it was only the Review - a look back. Everything had become past, present and future long since died away out of reach. The indirect life had stopped, the system bared her walls for sightseeing purposes - for a small admission fee.
He fell asleep after the departure of the aircraft. Weird dreams penetrated his heart. He was dizzy. When he awoke he knew that he had received an important message. How could he remember what was it? Panic swept over him. He looked around and saw to the passengers. None of them had ever seen before. He had lost his sense of time and he did not know where he was. In this miserable Condition, which he pushed to its thoughtlessness, he closed his eyes again, to escape the past and the future in another dream.
you ... ... He
dusty blue and dawn.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
How Do You Get Rust Off Iceskates
After I was now impossible for weeks, it is about time wegzubloggen all the important considerations on the situation of the world that have so accumulated. And this is first and foremost a musical affair. For a while ago I heard as background music in the mall to the track Where the wild roses grow by Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave. And so soft and romantic song that may come therefore, I have my doubts whether it is a good accompaniment to the shops. For if one pays attention to the text one can understand that it is the song about a woman who is a lover with a stone and placed in a river. In France, which is a country where the people understand their mother tongue to absolutely nothing in the situation, I even once as a supermarket in the song Fire Water Burn by the Bloodhound Gang Purchasing background heard. And since it is clearly audible motherfucker rows
We do not need no water let the motherfucker burnAnd if you about the roughly equivalent but understandable lines "Burn, cunt, burn" to play in a supermarket would? And recently I was completely taken aback by the private radio. On a car trip, I heard, really Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara Nathalie Cardone of - a decent song on Revolution Cherie FM, a station owned by the NRJ Group! Apparently, so now everything goes! Since I'm curious if you still hear one day, as the elevators in KaDeWe the International be sprinkled or right now at Christmas, Merry Christmas with of the Fantastic Four. I would not be surprised even more ...
Burn, burn
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Brookstone Travel Lock,reset
also failed the second landing attempt. In the middle of a dark rain cloud, the aircraft began suddenly and forcefully to move back to the top. The pilot reported apologetically and confirmed that was no danger, they would have somehow land on solid ground, the storm cloud over Florence, but was instantly so impenetrable, so that he would fly to Pisa and its passengers now get there safely to the ground.
In Pisa
beamed the sun and it took a while until Anna is oriented had. Waiting for the bus seemed to be plenty of time to take advantage, so they sought the station and went by train on the way to Florence. With four hours late, she reached the city on the Arno and walked with her suitcase through the city. The first cup of coffee she had slowly melt on the tongue. She had arrived. Your stately apartment was right on the Duomo and the Baptistery in Via Roma. Maria was already waiting.
Now she was there. Once again. In the old city. The past is ever-present and projected into the present. Anna looked out the window, each view offered her a different perspective on the magnificent Building. For a long time the cars had been banned from the center and then the place was still with her. Now and again he was thwarted by a taxi or a small van, she heard the voices of the people up in the 4th Stock no. Sun and clouds alternated with each other. The rocks were silent, and reflected in their shiny wet the events of the vertical.
with Maria, a proud Florentine, she drank the second Italian espresso, before the two set off. But where they really wanted to go? The air was fresh after the rain, and surprisingly warm. The evening darkness lay gently on the town, the shopkeepers lit their lights. The many small Windows shone bright and inviting, street music was heard on every corner. Here, the night belongs to the day. The streets remain populated and life goes on.
The stone town is home. It is quiet and dignified as presents itself as a memorial to those who look. The facade of the church of San Lorenzo is unfinished for five hundred years - and they probably will. But, the town where their attention? What speaks an unfinished facade? The cathedral, seen from above looks like a big ship, is still and sublime. The Dante's House, the Convent of San Marco, the Palazzo Medici, Palazzo Vecchio and many more buildings. Everyone is there and wait for it.
Life was short - at that time. Lorenzo was forty-three, Poliziano forty, Pico only thirty-one. Why they died within a short time? All of this is Anna by her head, she feels involved. And she remembers that only Marsilio Ficino, the other survived, he was just sixty-six years old. The life span was five hundred years, about half of our life expectancy today. And yet we have just then expect a long life, is focused on the future. Houses and palaces were built for generations. For centuries. No, at that time was the time not so short-lived, as today, where everyone, if at all, only his own life its sights.
The buildings were still habitable. It is known who lived where, what time has taken place in which place. Anna immigrated with sleepwalking through the narrow streets and the magnificent places. She is here at home, yet she feels lonely as otherwise rare in life. Tourists from all over the world all with their cameras flashing past her, is all reminiscent of the glorious and eventful history. It boasts of the old masters: Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and many, many more. But they are all dead
At that time the buildings were revived. People came and went, they lived, fought, hoped and shook it. Dramas were playing away, even murders took place. Two years ago they dug Pico and Poliziano from human remains to examine whether the bones of something about her cause of death. The story continues, then, even after five hundred years. Today, most buildings deserted. They stand and stand and wait and wait - and may be visited only. Supervisors and carabinieri appear in the Renaissance city leave secure positions.
Anna roams the city with a view to the rear. At that time. The relationship between town and country seems to be good. No tree and no animal can be seen far and wide in the stone city - which is already so well at that time also been be. In the indoor market but, as the splendor of nature, fruits and vegetables in any form, meat, fish and cheese is spread out before her. Everything has to have what can be imagined.
Humanism has taken root at that time. Marsilio Ficino translated Plato - as the first. When he was thirty-three, he had finished this task. The texts have been waiting almost two thousand years later. A long time. Anna tries to look ahead, beyond the dead in their ancient graves. What comes from the future to them? In Florence? And again, remember what the city, which they called for? Where are they going?
The stones bear the steps of the people. Up they will be worn, it will take a long time. The water still flows, the Arno - and he also will continue to flow. Anna has taken the feeling to be back in the past. It was a busy time then. Maria, her friend and Florentine-born white, with almost nothing. You can take with amazement in the church of Santa Maria Novella and listens spellbound, as Anna explains who is kind of a figure that has since painted on the wall. If there are other one thousand five hundred years until another one gets up in Florence, to translate what the ancients had to say and thus points to the future?
Anna is (to) come early. She takes the silence from the city and it still carries in itself. The old friends from back then are not forgotten. They live as long on the inside of the heart until it is again allowed to return to the outside, to open the stones and start talking to those who are willing to listen.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sean Cody Free Streaming Blog
On Sunday, 10/31/2010 I read with Linda Budinger and Joachim Hilton at the public library Monheim. can Admission is free, there is a small breakfast and the odd ghost story you probably expect ;-)
At 17:30 clock goes off you, and who has time and desire is welcome to attend.
An announcement and also the address of the library will be
at: glide / news / diary
May the great pumpkin you all ...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Buy Remington’s 870 Mcs With 18 Barrel
Finally it's done: I have the final site for the novel "Light Bringer" online. In / Lightbringer / index.html there are now about the book, the author and nearly 200 pages of deleted scenes. Has been taken, but it comes together also ...
As for the Deleted Scenes: In contrast to movies to books to be so cut not just the action scenes. So it's rather quiet, explanations, background and information about the inner workings of the characters. Spoilers are also present of course - so one should read only if one also knows the novel already so far.
But all who stop by the page, I hope you enjoy browsing!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Witty Wedding Greetings
... was found yesterday evening sounds best, a great voice and a lot more sense.
Lifehouse honored in the Hamburg docks. A small shop that was packed and equally with men and women. So I had not expected. If the Americans but as a woman known rock artist. Nine point it went off and the men saved nothing. But smooth rock, they played down its program and impressed with wit and a huge selection of guitars. The hooligan was allowed after each song on the stage to either the front man and bassist to submit another string instrument. Crazy.
The evening has, however, more than worth it and not just because of the many guitars. The singer was schnucklig, me and all the others are talking and takes super good for 1.5 hours in a melodic world. Who still has the choice should not think twice. The price is worth it. Because there is also a great guest, the singer / songwriter Nick Howard. With a great voice and humor, he has made all the waiting time longer than shorter, more of an add-on experience.
I'm looking forward still has this great evening after such a long time ...
and who wants can look here, what do I want to say:
Until the day
Monday, July 12, 2010
M Jak Milosc,streszczenia
Sounds strange, since I'm in the last few months constantly traveled through the area. But actually I had since getting my work there - including a translation that I wanted at the end of April, ready to accompany me faithfully but still everywhere
:-( The good news: the middle of last week I had made it, and after the very stressful last half year, I finally feel very relaxed. ... No more pressing deadlines though still enough to do.
I have allowed myself to only the levy by four computer-free days, which were, my holidays for this years ago. Now I will go gradually turn to work through all this small stuff that are in the last few months still. The homepage is in my books, for example. And I will ever go into my next upcoming assignments and projects. But, as I said, the tight deadlines are the first time behind me, so I can at least reasonably relaxed in the hot phase of the summer go ...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Are Platypuses Legal P
A point of the forthcoming austerity program I would have to be explained. Because either I understand there's something profoundly wrong, or has been the most important thing to show up correctly in any media report I know of. And by that I mean the cancellation of the pension for Hartz IV recipients.
The facts: The state does not want the minimum pension contributions take over Hartz IVler. All papers and reports I've read to this measure was presented as a load of Hartz IV recipients who receive less pension at some point so yes.
That would be correct if our pension system would be a big piggy bank: you pay the contributions, which are collected and eventually you get from the collected his pension contributions paid.
fact, our pension system is a pay system: What is now of the labor force (and so far from the state for the Hartz IVler) paid will be immediately paid out to the current retirees. None of the money collected is set aside for those who derive from it at some point to a pension.
The consequences in regard to that measure of economy are serious and should really an entirely different point into the center of attention, as was previously read anywhere. Sure, we shortened the pension credit for Hartz IVler, get less pension. In 20 years or so. Perhaps - as many who are now expected to refer Hartz IV, with their pensions are not already on the basic insurance amount, and thus for this group of people really care and pension cuts. said on German well: when and how much and how many Hartz IVler some point when they retired be affected by this reduction are, which is the first time in the stars.
However, what happens now: The money paid into the state so far to all Hartz IVler in the pension fund that is missing. It is missing now. And, as noted above, the money in a pension fund is not so set aside at first, but on the current pensions paid. And the demands of current retirees will not change no matter what will happen to the claims of the Hartz IV recipients in the future. So
brought to the point, when I look at this scheme in the saving decisions, then I do not primarily a burden for Hartz IV recipients by in Future lower pensions. I see right now less revenue for the pension fund at right now spending unchanged.
Strangely, I have yet read of it in any press release. If I am right, will then leads the reduction in the pension grant for Hartz IVler first place in due course to increase the pension contribution for regular contributions. For somewhere, the pension fund the money they spend is still, and the state it no longer exists, so fetch. And so this would be part of the savings measure is not particularly a burden for Hartz IV recipients, as shown anywhere, but especially for Full circle of the normal social security contributions.
Or the federal government compensates the gaps with a higher tax allowance - then the state would save through this point of the savings program anything, but only shift the power transfer from one place to another.
So, my question now, if they can answer one: Has there about actually see the world a bit and simply forget that the pension is a contributory system, and is therefore sold all a savings measure falsely as to Hartz IV recipients is limited, which is actually mainly affect the labor ordinary people? If this reduction nothing more than a first billiard ball that triggers automatically over the next pension fund deficit, the next premium increase, you can forward unremarkable in this way to the normal average voters, not that he still identifies as the he demanded part of the savings program? Or I see something and it is true that as real money can be saved and only the Hartz IV recipients to the back pay as a retiree?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Mrpo - Mri Pulse Oximeter
Ratings and coaching literature is always their customers. But seriously: Why should we listen to tips from types that look as if they mitgebügelt in her suit? Or narrow-mystics who believe that a finding would thus true that they are repeated often enough?
No, who wants to be successful should learn from the best. And what would be a more impressive example than the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Below I have for you about the recipes for success of the T-Rex together, which inevitably give the drive for rapid career
first Always Show Rumbrüllen and teeth - so you make the most clear who is the alpha dog, or at least should be.
second They decided to connect with his head always stretched forward, and roll you down anyone who is in your way.
third Remember that Their tail gives you the balance - that is, brought up and always keep moving.
4th Enter them, no room no clearing without the thunderous, belligerent roar that leaves your opponent with fear solidify.
5th If someone moves in your presence, he is prey. Rip it!
6th If someone turns away from you, evade them or hiding from you, he is prey. Rip it!
7th If someone rips your presence in the mouth, he is a rival! Rip it - if he is smaller than you.
8th Keep always very close to animals. If they stumble, they are VERY FAT BOOTY! Get it the fattest filet, but wait until someone else has checked that the great beast crashed actually and defenseless. Remember: The big T-Rex can get away with composure and drive out the smaller scavengers later still.
9th Shit on smaller animals.
10th Do scent marks, especially near rivals. Take advantage of every opportunity, which to piss on my legs.
11th Beware of real work before! Help you achieve anything that you could not be better achieved by dominant appearance and a flashing smile. Why are your arms are thin as dental care and even to tie a tie.
The T-Rex is extinct. But his rules of life are so simple that you can follow them. So, get T-Rex proud and achieve your goals. And do not forget:
12th If anyone has objections against these practices your proud, he is a predator. Find the distance quickly and do not let one in a biting him. Choose instead a couple of fellows, and with which you go back and rush the Naughty Modeling. Grab this tooth and nail for him and bring him along to the event, and then you tear it up. The repeat until no one is there to practice their dares to question. In this way, make sure that in your living space will soon become T-Rex and prey can be found and no one who could provide a harmful climate change.
because of the "T-Rex way to success" is ready for every problem the right solution.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Cost To Reupholster A Bmw
If I'm not here lately reported, it is not because that I am in Turkey would have no internet connection (so that excuse would be good too). It is also not as if I had nothing to report - in fact I have just taken too much work and so have their hands full.
And after all this is not a Blog holiday experience, and the odd anecdote that I had to tell lately, has nothing to do with literature, which is why the blog is lost, at least nothing substantial. do
in the widest sense of literature, however, has a message that reached me from home: Are there perhaps the copies for "Light Bringer" arrived in the meantime - the third novel in the history of "Finster peoples", which I down in the blog 've written more. And I will write up more when I get back.
Anyway, since I rarely get the copies before the book is also supplied to the trade, one can probably assume that the novel is available now or very soon will be available. At Amazon I see nothing yet, but maybe he is indeed elsewhere around
already ;-) Anyway, I'm also looking forward when I get to see the book ...
Monday, May 3, 2010
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It's that time again: I put on myself a month back to the sea to escape the allergy. But this time it is not the North Sea, but the tranquil village of Patara in Turkey.
was in the last week, still excited about the trip and I thought, 'My goodness, when you fly once away , and just then immediately goes up an entire volcano, "
When the time is not an exaggeration. because you feel persecuted but almost personally.
But, anyway, it has not even hit me then. The sky is clear again, and it looks like the aftermath overcome (even if the flier at check-in quite fully worked). As it is, but I come off as planned, and this evening I can then sign in the distance.
if I can. When it next month so here is empty, I have no Internet, between the ancient ruins, and for once a good excuse for my silence.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
How To Fix My Head Gasket
In June he is to appear officially - "light bringer," the third and last part of my story Finster peoples. It is therefore probably in May are in the bookstores, and in May I'm gone. I have therefore decided, because the finished website will be delayed a bit by bringing ever a preview page for the novel online.
In "Roman corner the interested reader will find now is a short summary of the book. Have fun looking!
is "light bearer" of the sequel, the "companions" of the twilight and the "Day of the knife," but as previously, it is a standalone novel, which can be read without knowledge of the previous two books. More to come to then in June, when the novel was published.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Married 0 Withholding Change
I just proofread the translation of the latest Mieville's novel, "The City and the City." It is about a criminal case in two different cities and countries that share the same space and purely physical overlap accordingly. But so much only explanation, because I really wanted to address something else.
What in the book that is found particularly funny was the mention of a "Ul-Qomah-Simulaturs." Ul Qomah is one of two towns in the novel, and in this simulator could visit them virtually. What has brought me right up with the idea of whether something could not implement in reality - namely, as a computer game Mieville on the setting inspired.
I imagine it appealing against. The player moves through the city and has to solve, just like in the book, a criminal case. He visited people and places, and everything that belongs to the city where he is at the moment, a little stressed, "the new city a little" fuzzy. Here, the player can first determine in one city, then the other - but if he ever his city "leaves" and illegal visits a site, interviewed a person who is not actually in his city, the game is over, or he loses a life or whatever ...
It would therefore not only about the event to solve, but at the same time we would still have to take good care of its environment to make no mistakes, no mistake. And the real solution of the game could be in the "between" to settle - in places and with people who hide among the cities and always act as if they belonged to another.
The really important approaches would therefore "out of focus in both cities," and in the course of its investigation, the player would have to track down exactly these elements. It would then be to figure out which city the getarnen elements are in truth, so you can get hold of her.
similar way or I ask myself at least that.
A Ul-Qomah and Beszel simulator at the same time, then, for the personal computer on which you can explore the secrets of both cities and make fullest Mieville concept and virtual. Maybe yes
is implemented at some point ;-)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
How To Darken Leather On Lv Purse
What news "to the" Fellowship of Twilight - namely, that were nominated for the "RPC-Award," and who wants to can now there stop by and give his vote for (or for another title of his choice - but we do not like to see here ;-)): \u0026lt; Link >
The RPC Award is a joint project of the RPC and the computer games magazine Games orbit. So I hope now, of course, that not only give gamers their voice, for a "novel" is also among the nominees for the game.
The "RPC" is an event on the way role-playing and fantasy and finds the middle of the month at the Cologne Exhibition Centre. A little role-playing, a lot of computer games and many other offers round about the topic - costumes, workshops, a small medieval market ...
I am myself again with a reading on Saturday, 17.4. from 11:00 on the clock reading at the Cafe Tool stand. Now, where are the "companions" nominated in the Con, I'll probably read it a bit, and "from the" knives. Maybe even a preview of the new "light bringer" is inside. Who
17 So in Cologne is - we see and hear us hope in the Reading Cafe!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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Today in the newspaper I was able to fit reading for the holidays, from the currently current theological dispute: was the Passion of Christ is a sacrifice by which the people were cleansed from sin, or is this view a time-related, of people in the religion of introduced atavism, a modification of the divine love even, as God obviously does not need such a sacrifice, and the fate of his son, thus understood only as a sign of his devotion to humanity?
Well, my opinion is: you can very well hold on to the classical interpretation when they are simply symbolic means. What principle would not uncommon in biblical content.
For the "original sin is indeed nothing other than the fruit from the tree of knowledge, ability to distinguish self good and evil, and thus a move away from naive childlike sense of basic trust in higher," parental "authority, and especially in God. Jesus is a historical perspective, however, for the Breakthrough Offenbahrungsreligion in which the word is one more than his own knowledge - which in fact represents an overcoming of original sin and a return to blind faith in the divine word.
The Passion makes this process particularly pointed dar. For Jesus follows this with confidence given the fate of God, until death - and without recognizing the meaning behind it, how come in his last words to express.
Whether "the transition from" knowledge "to" faith, from self-knowledge and self-determining individual with its own meaning to run, trusting people, now as desirable or as a failure of looks - the interpretation of Jesus' death as an "overcoming of original sin" seems to this consideration in the overall context in any case is quite consistent and also a modern look at the history of religion meet. Perhaps
knew the authors of the Bible at this point but that is exactly what they said and were not only caught in mystical and archaic victim thinking, but very comfortable in the situation, a timeless truth about faith and the core of the religion of revelation to make.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Can I Renew My Driver's License On My Birthday
One or two is not perhaps have noticed: I have limited the possibilities comment in my blog. First, I have the Moderation of older posts on and now also activates the captchas. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Unfortunately, my blog now been discovered by spammers, after it has long been silent. I thought the unlock I will get rid of - because they have nothing of their spam if it is never read, and of course I turn not free. But spammers have no quality control, as has been shown, and they wrote the comment fields full of happily ever after. In the long run it made me ignore it annoyed the notifications, so that is now the technical solution.
I keep an eye on the problem and hope that the Comment spam my blog again from its list increases when he realizes that his machines can add nothing more. If that happens, I take out the annoying captcha again.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Licence To Sell Hello Kitty
the past months on this blog so it looked from rather bleak. The reason was that I have diligently worked on the third part of my story Finster peoples - "to the" light bringer. From the winter I've noticed this year that is not so much. Most of the time I was sitting on, matching the atmosphere, in dark corners and have written. Preferably, of course, at night. I have however heard that there is snow?
Now I'm ready for the first time, the last chapter is made and written by 830 and 120 reduced or I think about next time maybe take a little shorter in to attack. But who will now read in the fantasy for a short, straightforward adventure stories? I think about it ...
Until then, in addition to everyday translations and editing, I need to lie now to take care of remaining contamination. My hermit's beard is now cut off. The blog revived. And, there was still something ... Ah yes, the "Deleted Scenes for" Day of the knife. I am next in attack and put them online before the next volume appears. Absolutely! I give
around here when it's done.